Be all that you are

A Breath At A Time

About Leanne

From when I was young I have always been adventurous and loved taking a different approach on things and coming up with new ways of doing things. I was open to clairvoyance but always had an inner knowing I could change my path in life at any time.

Career wise, from 1985 up until April 2006 I worked in the administration sector.

In 1995 I was diagnosed with a Pituitary Tumour. Even before I found out if it was malignant or benign I knew with all of my being that I was going to be ok. From there, I was introduced to hands on healing including Reiki. I went on to become a Reiki and Seichim Master and over the years learnt about Crystals and worked with them.

For me these were stepping stones
to where and who I am now.

Since 2001 I started on a journey to me, little by little, piece by piece,  with each experience, I have unfolded to be more of who I am.

Who Am I Now?

I am all that I am in this very moment –
I am the creator of every part of my life.

I have let go of beliefs and limitations that no longer serve me.

I have invited my Soul (the spirit part of me) to be part of this human experience.

Being guided by my Soul (My Inner Wisdom), opens up potentials far beyond what the mind can imagine. Life is experienced with more ease and grace, bringing more joyful moments.

I am Allowing myself to receive and feel self love and to receive and feel my self worth – a gift that is held dear.

When I am consciously connected to my whole being, my body of consciousness (Mind, Body, Spirit – Soul) I Am In My Passion. It truly doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing. My Passion is there in that moment.

Yes, I have days / experiences that do not feel so nice, and yes, I have moments of drama and Chaos. When I am done with that energy, I make a new choice and breath with my Soul. There lives a balanced energy, there lives a new, peaceful way to be with that same experience.

My limitations are from my own choosing – or –
Not Choosing At All.
I am an Awakened / Enlightened Human and I am very aware of my experiences and what gifts are within them.
